Frequently asked questions/FAQ

How do I nominate an NPO?
The Ambassador enters the following personal data via a form: The site code of his location (e.g. MUC99), first and last name and e-mail address. The Ambassador enters the following data from the nonprofit organization (NPO) being nominated, which can be taken from the imprint on the NPO's homepage or provided by the contact person at the NPO: The official name of the NPO, the official address of the NPO, his/her contact person(s) within the NPO, the e-mail address of the contact person(s) and the URL of the NPO. After submitting the form, the NPO will automatically be informed of its nomination by email.
How do I check the submitted project and approve it?
As soon as the organization has entered its project on, the Ambassador receives an email with a direct link to the project. He adds the internal Amazon KPIs to the project page. He then checks the NPO's details and confirms the approval of the project.
How do I use the NPO dashboard?
The NPO dashboard provides up-to-date information on all nominations. In addition to a general overview of the most important information entered in the nomination form (e.g. organization name, e-mail of the organization, donation amount), the following status information can be found in the NPO dashboard:
  • Nomination date: Day of nomination
  • Registration date: Date on which an account was created (not completed) on fö
  • Status:
    • In Clarification (HdS): We are currently checking whether the NPO already has a profile on fö This usually happens automatically and takes up to 24 hours. In rare cases, it may take a little longer due to uncertainties in the matching process.
    • Not Registered (NPO): The NPO has not yet initiated the registration on fö or no matching account could be assigned.
    • In Bearbeitung (in progress): The NPO has initiated registration on fö but has not yet completed its profile. In most cases, the registration steps of bank details, notice of exemption and organization description are missing. Once all data has been submitted, validation takes a maximum of 5 working days.
    • Qualified (NPO): The NPO has submitted all information completely and correctly and has been validated by Haus des Stiftens - validation is therefore already complete. It may take up to 24 hours until a qualified NPO is synchronized with the Localgrants platform. The NPO can then participate in Amazon Local Grants program and submit a project on the platform.
    • Inactive: The NPO nomination has been archived because it is an NPO
      • which is exclusively committed to the promotion of religion (statutory purpose 2) or animal welfare (statutory purpose 14)
      • which wanted to be manually removed from the donation program or which an Ambassador wanted to have removed from the program
      • which was nominated twice in a row
      • which does not meet the non-profit criteria (i.e. could not provide a valid exemption certificate)
      • which was removed from the donation program after 28 or 56 days within the deletion routine implemented until September 1st, 2024.
      Both Ambassador and NPO will be notified of the deactivation.
Important: Please remove all filters you have set after your search.

If your nominated NPO has any questions, please refer them to our NPO support - it is important that the NPO contacts us themselves:
How is the funding triggered?
In the start-up phase of Amazon Local Grants, the final review and internal funding is carried out by the admin team of
Where can I get an overview of all the projects relevant to me?
Smartsheets give Ambassadors a quick overview of all projects relevant to them.
How can I implement urgent direct funding?
Im Rahmen von Krisen, Naturkatastrophen oder ähnlichem sollen Gelder schnell an einzelne NPOs ausgeschüttet werden. Die Spenden können in individueller Abstimmung mit unserem Partner Haus des Stiftens zeitnah auf den Weg gebracht werden.
The prerequisite is that the organization is registered on
    How long does it take for my donation to reach the NPO? Will I be informed about this?
    Once the project has been approved and the funding has been checked by the admin team, Haus des Stiftens transfers the amount. Payment dates are always at the beginning and middle of the month. It usually takes one to two bank working days after the transfer for the donation to reach the NPO's account. As soon as a grant has been approved, both the NPO and the Ambassador receive a message that the donations will be paid out on the payment dates.